Christmas is an exciting time for the whole family, especially for parents who strive to keep the Christmas magic alive for as long as possible. From decorating the Christmas tree and secretly rearranging the ornaments when your little one goes to bed, to preparing Rudolph’s carrot and Santa’s glass of milk and cookies on Christmas Eve, many of us continue the traditions our parents taught us when we were too young to understand anything different. Many are now embracing letters from Santa to help keep the magic going.
What To Include In A Christmas Letter From Santa
Writing a letter from Santa Claus is often easier said than done. After all, what should a letter from Santa say? To help you write authentic Christmas letters from Santa, we’ve compiled a list of elements you may want to include:
1. Plenty of Personalization
To write the very best letter from Santa, it’s important to make sure it’s entirely personalized to your child. That means including details about them, such as their name and age, to highlight the legitimacy of the letter from Santa.
2. Celebrations of Achievements
Next, highlight your child’s achievements. Did they give up their pacifier this year, recently start preschool, or are they about to transition into elementary school? Regardless, be sure to include a few pivotal moments in your letter from Santa Claus to bring attention to their good work.
3. Gentle Reminders
We all know that Santa keeps track of who’s been naughty or nice throughout the year, so be sure to include a gentle reminder for your child to keep up the good behavior.
4. Factual Information
While it can be tempting to exaggerate in your Christmas letters from Santa, make sure it remains factual.
5. Christmas Eve Routine Reminders
Include a reminder of what to do on Christmas Eve, including going to bed early, leaving a carrot out for Rudolph and the other reindeer, and a glass of milk and cookies for Santa himself. You may also want to include a preferred wake-up time if your child is known to wake up extra early on Christmas Day.
6. Thank Them for Their Good Behavior
Christmas is a time for reflection, so be sure to thank your child for their good behavior.
7. Tell Them About the North Pole
While your letter from Santa should be factual, don’t shy away from explaining to your child more about the North Pole. Why not include some fun facts in your letter?
8. Mention Their Christmas Requests
Of course, don’t forget to mention your child’s Christmas requests in your letter! Not only will this emphasize the legitimacy of the letter and maintain the Christmas excitement, but it will also provide a further gentle reminder to maintain good behavior.
9. Where Is Santa Headed Next After Christmas?
Christmas Eve is Santa’s busiest night of the year, often leaving one question: where is Santa headed next after Christmas? Include a story about what Santa does for the other 364 days of the year, whether that’s taking an extended vacation or training his reindeer at the North Pole.
10. Have Fun with It
Be sure to have fun with your letter from Santa template. Make it as fun and endearing as you wish to keep the Christmas magic alive in your household!
Our Personalized Letter From Santa Template
Dear [insert child’s name],
I’m very pleased to be writing to you today, [insert child’s name], as I have some magical news to share with you! [Insert year] has been quite a year, but now it’s time to spread Christmas cheer.
We’ve heard lots of fantastic things about what you’ve achieved this year [insert child’s name] that have been kindly shared with us by [insert name of parent/ friend/ teacher] (but shhh! Don’t let it slip that I’ve written to you!)
We’ve heard that you have [insert noticeable achievement(s)], which has really blown Mrs. Claus and me away! It’s great to see you striving for such big things at just [insert child’s age] years old – keep up the great work!
With the big day just around the corner, the Elves have been super busy making all the magical toys that wonderful children like you have asked for.
One of the Elves even told me that they know the perfect present for a well-behaved child like you!
I’ve checked my list, twice in fact, and I see that you would like a [insert Christmas request]. How exciting!
I can’t promise anything, but if you continue to keep up the good work and behavior, I’ll definitely see what I can do!
Have a fantastic Christmas and remember to leave Rudolph a carrot or two if you would be so kind.
Seasonal Wishes,
Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus
P.S. We promise to be as quiet as possible delivering your presents in [insert hometown]!
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